“Save the Tiger! Save the Grasslands! Save the Water!”

Tiger research in Bardiya received a significant boost in 2021 through an extensive grant from the Dutch Research Council for the research program ‘Save the Tiger! Save the Grasslands! Save the Water!’ (STSGSW).
The ongoing research initiated and funded by HTF is incorporated in this program. HTF is a co-funder of STSGSW and closely involved in the management and affairs in Nepal.”
The Terai Arc Landscape (TAL) and the Duars at the foot of the Nepalese, Indian and Bhutanese Himalayas are the most important conservation area of tigers. Here, tiger habitats are affected through changing hydrological conditions that lead to deteriorating grasslands upon which free roaming deer rely for grazing.
However, the natural and anthropogenic influences on grassland dynamics in these landscapes are poorly understood. Therefore, the overarching objective of this project is to characterise the temporal dynamics of the grasslands in the 23 nature reserves present.
To read more about the research projects we have initiated in Bardiya National Park, click on:
Human-wildlife coexistence in Bardiya
Managing subtropical monsoon grasslands
Counting prey animals
Climate change
Re-wilding Bardiya National Park
Mountain Tiger (Snow Leopard)